2023 Swiss Cup

Pauline Schaefer-Betz - Short on handstand, couple of form errors but lovely releases and hop forward and low on the landing of her dismount. Lukas Dauser - Solid swings and handstands on the parallel bars, small step back on the dismount). Bianca Frysak - lovely swings, and transitions with some slight leg separation, nice double tuck dismount with a small step on the landing. Ashkab Matiev - is such a delight to watch and a great tumbler. Melanie de Jesus dos Santos - out of bounds on the first tumbling pass but otherwise a beautiful routine. Lovely routine from Jim Zona. Massive hops back on Jade Carey's first vault but can I say I am in love with her leotard. Much better second vault - just a small hop back. Yul Moldauer - slight overarch in one of his handstands but otherwise some beautiful work on the Parallel Bars. Small step to the side on the dismount. He loves the crowd. Stefanie Siegenthaler - some form issues throughout the routine but lovely double straight dismount. Florian Langenegger - a powerful vaulter lands off to the side hop forward on the first of his vaults and then does an amazing second vault - may have been slightly low in the chest on landing. I missed the start of Julia Soares' floor but love the music and her smile is contagious, deep squat in the landing of her final pass. Patrick Sampaio - hop forward on his dismount but otherwise a good routine. I love the camaraderie of the competitors - waiting to congratulate one another. Anny Wu - Such expressive dance and a solid routine. Christian Baumann - solid PB Routine!! Chiaki Hatakeda - I do so love this routine - big hop back on the double back, was a bit off in her wolf turns, low in the landing of her double pike, and love her finishing choreography. Kazuma Kaya - GREAT ROUTINE - just low and a hop to the side on the dismount. Bengisu Yildiz - solid vaulting! Adem Asil - SR - was a fantastic routine but what a scary time of the dismount - so many steps off the matting and looked quite scary but he seems to be okay. Manila Esposito - Some form issues throughout her routine, hop back on dismount. Solid PH routine for Yumin Abbadini. 

Adem Asil - good first vault just slightly low and step on landing; Solid second vault - hop back on landing. Bengisu Yildiz - Slight leg separation but swings well, short on handstand but stuck dismount. Yumin Abbadini - Great HB routine punctuated with a stuck dismount. Manila Esposito - slight bobble on her mount sequence but recovers strongly. Kazuma Kaya - great Pommels routine! Chiaki Hatakeda - hop and step to the side on her first vault, solid second vault just a small hop to the side on landing. Jim Zona - a couple of steps back on the double pike dismount and a couple of bobbles throughout the PB routine. Melanie de Jesus dos Santos - good routine, hop forward on dismount. Sampaio - high releases and a solid routine. Soares - overarches candle mount, a couple of balance checks in the routine, and a couple of steps on the dismount. Dauser - fell on one of his release skills, lovely 1-arm giants, hop on the dismount. Shaefer-Betz on Beam - she looks tentative but starts strong, saves and bobbles on spins, solid leap combo but with a balance check, lovely dismount. Baumann - solid rings routine but falls and sits down on his dismount. Looks like a great routine from Anny Wu on the Uneven Bars. Moldauer - hop on the dismount and a couple of extra sways, but solid Rings routine. The round finishes with Carey on the Floor - big tumbling and no major errors.

Semi-Final 1: Julia Soares - Missed her routine but from the replay she had a bit of a bobble on the landing of her dismount. Sampaio - solid landings, love his spindle work, slight bobble on the landing of his penultimate tumbling and step out of bounds on his final pass. Carey - slight leg separation and some missed handstand positions but a stuck landing on her dismount! Moldauer - a bit wild in his flairs sequence but has some phenomenal landings in his tumbling lines. 

Semi-Final 2: Hatakeda - solid balance beam routine, low in the landing and a relatively large step back on the dismount. Kaya - looks like he had caught the bar close but some incredible work and a stuck landing!! Esposito on Floor - oh I love this music and her choreography and dance. Great routine! Abbadini on Floor - Some hops on the landing of his tumbling lines, lovely flairs sequence, great strength holds, solid final pass. This may be close. 

Bronze Medal Match: Sampaio - Couple of slides among the handstands, I didn't notice his coach come and hold the bars before, solid dismount. Julia Soares on the Floor - lands out of bounds on her first tumbling pass, has not stopped smiling, steps back out of bounds on her second pass, the much better wolf turns, finishes solidly. Abbadini on Pommels - those flair sequences, become a bit out of control, and have to count a fall from the apparatus. Esposito - a couple of bobbles but manages to stay on but a solid routine on the Beam.

Gold Medal Match: Yul brought it on the Parallel Bars and so did Kazuma Kaya. Carey's more difficult vaults saw her average higher to take the Gold medal for herself and Yul Moldauer.



  1. United States of America 28.950
    • Jade Carey (VT: 13.750)
    • Yul Moldauer (PB: 15.200)
  2. Switzerland 1 27.750
    • Anny Wu (FX: 12.750) 
    • Christian Baumann (PB: 15.000) 
  3. Germany 27.750
    1. Pauline Schaefer-Betz (UB: 12.850) 
    2. Lukas Dauser (PB: 14.900) 
  4. Brazil 27.600
    • Julia Soares (FX: 13.600)
    • Patrick Sampaio (PB: 14.000)
  5. France 27.550
    • Melanie de Jesus dos Santos (FX: 13.500)
    • Jim Zona (FX: 14.050)
  6. Japan 27.500
    • Chiaki Hatakeda (FX: 12.450)
    • Kazuma Kaya (PB: 15.050)
  7. Italy 27.400
    • Manila Esposito (UB: 13.300) 
    • Yumin Abbadini (PH: 14.100)
  8. Turkey 26.375
    • Bengisu Yildiz (VT: 12.425)
    • Adem Asil (SR: 13.950)
  9. Austria 25.950
    • Bianca Frysak (UB: 12.450)
    • Ashkab Matiev (FX: 13.500)
  10. Switzerland 2 25.650
    • Stefanie Siegenthaler (UB: 11.350)
    • Florian Langenegger (VT: 14.300)


  1. United States of America (28.950, 27.350) 56.250
    • Jade Carey (VT: 13.750) (FX: 13.050)
    • Yul Moldauer (PB: 15.200) (SR: 14.250)
  2. Italy (27.400, 28.200) 55.600
    • Manila Esposito (UB: 13.300) (BB: 14.150)
    • Yumin Abbadini (PH: 14.100) (HB:13.950)
  3. Japan (27.500, 27.525) 55.025
    • Chiaki Hatakeda (FX: 12.450) (VT: 12.875)
    • Kazuma Kaya (PB: 15.050) (PH: 14.650)
  4. Brazil (27.600, 27.100) 54.700
    • Julia Soares (FX: 13.600) (BB: 13.100)
    • Patrick Sampaio (PB: 14.000) (HB: 14.000)
  5. France (27.550, 26.800) 54.350
    • Melanie de Jesus dos Santos (FX: 13.500) (UB: 14.100)
    • Jim Zona (FX: 14.050) (PB: 12.700)
  6. Turkey (26.375, 26.775) 53.150
    • Bengisu Yildiz (VT: 12.425) (UB: 12.200)
    • Adem Asil (SR: 13.950) (VT: 14.575)
  7. Germany (27.750, 24.950) 52.700
    1. Pauline Schaefer-Betz (UB: 12.850) (BB: 13.050)
    2. Lukas Dauser (PB: 14.900) (HB: 11.900)
  8. Switzerland 1 (27.750, 24.400) 52.150
    • Anny Wu (FX: 12.750) (UB: 11.200)
    • Christian Baumann (PB: 15.000) (SR: 13.200)


  1. United States of America 27.600
    • Jade Carey (UB: 13.200)
    • Yul Moldauer (FX: 14.400)
  2. Brazil 24.700
    • Julia Soares (UB: 11.150)
    • Patrick Sampaio (FX: 13.550)


  1. Japan 27.900
    1. Chiaki Hatakeda (BB: 13.150)
    2. Kazuma Kaya (HB: 14.750)
  2. Italy 27.700
    • Manila Esposito (FX: 13.400) 
    • Yumin Abbadini (FX: 14.300)


  1. Brazil 27.350
    • Julia Soares (FX: 13.000)
    • Patrick Sampaio (PB: 14.350)
  2. Italy
    • Manila Esposito (BB: 13.650)
    • Yumin Abbadini (PH: 12.700) 26.350


  1. United States of America 29.050
    • Jade Carey (VT: 13.700)
    • Yul Moldauer (PB: 15.350)
  2. Japan 28.325
    • Chiaki Hatakeda (VT: 13.075)
    • Kazuma Kaya (PB:15.250)


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